Initially the promoters Mr. Vithalbhai & Mr. Karsanbhai (Family friends since four decades belong to one town called Gadhada-Swamina, Nr. Bhavnagar) decided to establish the trading firm of agricultural seeds & pesticides in Gadhada town itself, thereafter in 1995 to reap the benefit of inherent locational advantage of Bhavnagar city and allied area which is very well known for Alang ship breaking yard (which assures ample supply of steel scrap and plates).
The Krishna Group established its first rolling mill in 1995 in the name of Navbharat Steel Re-Rolling Mill for manufacturing of TMT Bars. In 1995 there were around 100 mills carrying the same business but as the time pass various mills closed their business which were unable to meet competition in the market and to be specific there remain only 30 mills in 2001.